image of skull on headhunter’s spear with a word balloon suggesting that it would be wise to read the reference pages.

Headhunter is a resource for identifying LEGO heads.

If you have a bucket of heads to identify, you can easily find similar heads by specifying common features. If you are looking to create a sig fig you can specify all the features you want and find all heads with those features.


Data last updated: 2024-03-05

While development and data entry is ongoing it is sporadic. As of March 2024 data is complete for yellow heads released through December 2023. Images are available for about 90% of the yellow heads. Other heads can be visually ID'd by clicking through to BrickLink or BrickOwl.

Privacy Statement

No tracking cookies are used. No third party services are used.

Terms of Service

Content is provided as-is. User agrees not to steal images for use elsewhere.

Accuracy of Data

Wherever possible the data has been determined by viewing the actual part. Where actual parts are not on hand the data may be suspect due to the quality of the available reference materials. Verifiable corrections to the data are welcomed.


Any other issues, please use the contact form and I will try to address the situation in a reasonable amount of time.

Change Log

2024-03-05: Launch
2024-04-17: Data updated; Light Nougat data added (pictures are few)